Book Review: The Life and Times of Joseph Stalin
Omar Shamali
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Moreover the writter paint his book with zionism, making the Jews the center of the whole world. From numbers point of view, it is not logical to compare 0.05% (jews) of europe population to other 99.05% christians and other religions.
I mean there are bad leaders in every country. But as a history writter you gotta at least pretend being objective!
PS: you will never find anything about the author in the internet, no bio, no photos or videos. Nothing.
About the book

Book Title | The Life and Times of Joseph Stalin |
Book Author | Ian Schott |
Format | Paperback |
Pages | 72 |
Average Ratings by Others | 2.5 |
ISBN | 1858139961 |
Description | Excellent miniature history of the red monarch. Novelty item crammed with facts. History. Communism. Stalin. 20th century. Russia. |
Source | Goodreads Website |