Who Is Omar Shamali
IT business OWNER, web & mobile apps DEVELOPER & TRAINER of TRAINERS (ToT)
I have established my company ProVision when I was 19 years old, studying computer systems engineering in Birzeit university - Palestine, I did not finish this Ba degree and swapped to business administration specialization and finished it in short time. Having employees and successful business did not stop me from programming for clients or for my personal projects, because I love coding; my other hobbies are reading and traveling.

I write in various topics but my focus is on IT related posts, here are my recently published:
FIX: Linux CWP PHP Upgrade Failure via PHP Switcher Caused By Full RAM
How to Fix RoundCube Error: Oops... something went wrong! in File libcalendaring_vcalendar.php
IPv6 Reverse DNS Setup and SSH Connect
Add Custom Snippet Visual Studio Code for Faster Programming
GdImage VS Imagick PHP Libraries Performance Benchmark of Reading Image Width
Book Reviews
I am sharing my reviews and thoughts here to encourage my friends, relatives and Palestinians and anyone in this challenging planet to read and level up thinking. Here are my recent book reviews:
Of Love and Other Demons
What made this story “OK” is the atheist doctor, who is funny and slam facts into people’s faces.
I might understood why the mother hated her daughter, but didn't understand why also the father neglected her.Reading Date -
The Kite Runner
Ironic double standards by the writer all over the book.
Not the worst novel, yet the western likes because it started with the love of Israel by the author, and the worshipping to the American invasion against Afghanistan. Thats pure conflict in the book, as he shit on Russia for invading Afghanistan, but he braises Israel occupation over Palestine and doing much worse than what Russians did in Afghanistan.
Of course the worst thing could happen to any country is to be controlled by religious lunatics but that is no less ugly than an invasion by outsiders who made equal or even more damage.
The author’s other novel titled: A thousand splended sun; is really amazing and it got into my favourite list. But this one is really bad and the main goal feels like he wanted to please the americans. I mean come on, he spit fire on Moslems and communists. Thats all what you need to be a star in the west.Reading Date -
How to Cure a Fanatic
The Israeli writer, who killed Palestinians as an Israeli soldier, tried in this book to take advantage of readers who have little acquaintance of the Jewish occupation, or what is called Israel, of Palestine.
Summary of whats written in this book:
1. USA has no responsibility, even though they are supporting Israel with tons of guns and tax-money.
2. Using the term Israeli-Jews vs. Palestinian-Arabs; note the religious attachment to Israel, but for Palestinian he says Arab (nation) not Palestinian-Muslims. It is whether you make the religion is the base of your argument or you do not, for both parties, not one. Thinking people are stupid.
3. The massacres and bombardment of hundreds of towns by Jewish hands on the peaceful Palestinians on 1948 are not the Israeli responsibility, rather its the Arabs. In that sense, he is literally saying that the holocaust is not Hitler's responsibility, rather, its European!
4. He is insisting and repeating that the Europeans, especially UK has done wrong to the Jews, but the UK is the country that illegally handed Palestine to the Jewish!
5. Justice has to be made by making the country of Israel triple the size of the state of Palestine. Ironic.
6. Now what made me actually glad to read this book is the fun of this idea: The writer wants the USA to fund a tunnel between West Bank and Gaza Strip that is 45 miles long (72 KM)! That is about triple the longest tunnel ever made by human being -LÆRDALSTUNNELEN 25KM long, Switzerland-. The brilliant-just-peaceful Amos Oz, expects children to stay in tunnel for hours and hours to reach a beach!
7. Claim that 100 000 houses and 200 000 jobs for the Palestinian refugees will solve the issue. That is for a person who does not know the real numbers will think "Yes, that means the Palestinian refugees do not exceed couple of hundreds of thousands." Where the true number exceeds 6 million Palestinian refugees. That is the leader of peace movement in Israel say, delusions and lies.
On the other hand, and to be fair and objective, he was true about these things:
1. Bin Ladin is brutal, destructive, and terrorist. That is very right, as exactly as Ben Gorion, Arel Sharon, Moshe Dayan as terrorists who killed tens of thousands of innocent Palestinian children in cold blood.
2. Fanaticism is one of the worst causes of the world's wars.
3. Europeans keep offering coffee to solve things; where Palestine won't be freed this way. Agreed.Reading Date -
The Life and Times of Marco Polo
What an amazing book! I enjoyed every single word, its a perfect summary of Marco Polo journey. Im going to read Marco’s book The Travels.
It all began with the story of the Polo brothers went to Palestine, specifically to Acre and Jerusalem. As many great stories start from.Reading Date -
The Life and Times of Martin Luther King
A great summary of King, it saddened me of how much struggle he and his fellows needed to go through for very basic but valued rights. It needed years of hard work and sacrifices; and yet, racism still shining in 2023 in the USA.
Martin Luther King was very aware of the Zionist massacres against Palestinians, and that the illegal Israeli state is built on blood and stealing. A very similar to his struggle, freedom.
We need a Palestinian Martin Luther King! He chose peace, but the racist west did not.Reading Date -
The Life and Times of Joseph Stalin
A very biased writter, he even spread his personal negative comments all over the text. In this series “The Life and Tines of” it concludes that the capitalist leaders came from ice cream lands and the leftist leaders came from the jungles.
Moreover the writter paint his book with zionism, making the Jews the center of the whole world. From numbers point of view, it is not logical to compare 0.05% (jews) of europe population to other 99.05% christians and other religions.
I mean there are bad leaders in every country. But as a history writter you gotta at least pretend being objective!
PS: you will never find anything about the author in the internet, no bio, no photos or videos. Nothing.Reading Date