For years I develop programs, tweak software, and search for different subjects & solutions online. Which improved my knowledge and helped me a lot, that is all because of developers and writers who decided to publish their findings and share their knowledge, as a small return to all of those who put their time and effort to benefit others, I have started my blog, and I will do the same by granting access of information for those who are seeking them in the subject I know, specially development, books and travel.
FIX: Linux CWP PHP Upgrade Failure via PHP Switcher Caused By Full RAM
How to Fix RoundCube Error: Oops... something went wrong! in File libcalendaring_vcalendar.php
IPv6 Reverse DNS Setup and SSH Connect
Add Custom Snippet Visual Studio Code for Faster Programming
GdImage VS Imagick PHP Libraries Performance Benchmark of Reading Image Width
Encode URL for Better SEO
Change Element Type and Keep All Attributes in jQuery
ShareThis Platform On Load JS Listener
idToken of Firebase Server Side Verification PHP via JWT and solve: cannot be coerced into a public key
crossaxisalignment VS mainaxisalignment Flutter Dart
Apple Mail Signature Issue: Missing-plugin When Placing Image in Mail Signature
How to fix error: Invalid key hash. The key hash does not match.., Facebook META Login Auth App Integeration
How to fix error: Sandbox: rsync.samba, on XCode Swift
Downgrading Gradle in Android Studi
Android Emulators Recieve and Show Remote Push Notifications
Parse String into DateTime in Flutter dart
Parse or Convert String to URI in Flutter dart and use url_launcher package
Decode URL/URI from string in Flutter Dart via extending String
XMLHttpRequest Custom Fields
initState and dispose in dart Flutter StatefulWidget: Where to put super calls?
How to exit ancestress blocks in TinyMCE editor?
Adding code blocks insert button in toolbar for tinyMCE
Removing wrapping html elements like div or others of tinyMCE editor