IPv6 Reverse DNS Setup and SSH Connect
This tutorial assumes you already rented a server with IPv6, and you are facing problems reaching it via SSH. Also we are demonstrating views from Hetzner.
How to Configure IPv6 and Connect via SSH
Step 1: Generate Reverse DNS (rDNS) Record
Go to https://www.whatsmydns.net/reverse-dns-generator
Place your IPv6 and click convert with ::1 at the end of it
Step 2: Configure Reverse DNS (rDNS)
You need to configure the reverse DNS record (rDNS), by making sure that it has the final part, for example: XXX:XXX:XXX:XXX:XXX::(here), to be XXX:XXX:XXX:XXX:XXX::1
In Hetzner cloud, we choose network, from the 3 dots button next to IPv6, we choose "Edit Reverse DNS"
In the new window, fill in the first field ::1, and the generated rDNS obtained from step 1, then click "Edit Reverse DNS"
Step 3: Connect via SSH
By default, Hetzner enables remote SSH, you can check that following one of the tutorials online, so to connect to this new IPv6 cloud/server, open a new terminal, and write:
ssh -6 root@XXXX:XXX:XX:XXX:XX::1
Issues Not Reaching
- If you are facing reach out issue, you might need to use a VPN that has fast DNS updates, such as CloudFlare VPN
- Make sure the SSH port 22 is open and public on your server
Testing environment:
Cloud: Linux CentOS Stream 9
Terminal: Mac OS Terminal